This website presents the objectives, members and main results of the International Network for Analysis of Corporatism and Organized Interests (NETCOR), developed since 2015.
The main objective of this Network is to produce and update knowledge about the phenomenon of corporatism and the organization of social and economic interests, through a scientific research work that focuses on the comparative dimension, not only at a European level, considering various national experiences and systems, but also globally.
The Network intends to develop actions that value institutional cooperation and dialogue among researchers from different countries. It is hoped to foster interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity in the studies to be developed.
The Network intends to add researchers and universities that focus on the following research axes:
1. Historical course of corporatism: contexts and factors that were its origin, with emphasis on long-term structural problems;
2. Impact of the crisis of the political system on the definition of forms of articulation of political power with society and the construction of medium and long-term strategies for resolving conflicts of interest;
3. Processes of diffusion of corporative ideas and patterns of circulation and implementation of the doctrine and theories that have been declared corporate;
4. Corporatism and legal thinking, law and jurisprudence;
5. State organization, in particular state-based regulatory mechanisms and the organization of economies and societies;
6. Organization, representation and mobilization of constituted social and economic interests;
7. Relation between local, regional and national responses to the crisis of the political system and global trends in the organization of social and economic interests, political stabilization, economic recovery and social pacification.
To achieve this general objective, the Network intends to:
Encourage the exchange and discussion of research needs, methods and results;
Placing themes and research results in national and international research agendas;
Contribute to the location and availability of significant documentary funds for investigations in progress or to be carried out;
Support and organize research projects in several countries on the theme of the Network;
Encourage the meeting of strategic partners for projects with an international dimension;
To facilitate the editing of works of researchers of the Network in the countries where there is a Network delegation, through, for example, the establishment of protocols of edition of studies with several publishers of several countries;
Disseminate widely and through different means the research results and actions of the Network.