II Seminário NETCOR Portugal
27-28 de Novembro de 2018, LISBOA, NOVA FCSH | EDIFÍCIO ID, SALA MULTIUSOS 3

Congresso Internacional NETCOR – Corporativismo, autoritarismo e democracia
NETCOR International Congress – Corporatism, authoritarianism and democracy
22-24 de Outubro de 2018, RIO DE JANEIRO, FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS (FGV) | Praia de Botafogo, 190, auditório 1027
Workshop – Corporatism and “Functional Representation”. Diffusion and Models between Authoritarianism and Democracy
January 26, 2018/ ICS-ULisboa

I Seminário Novas Perspectivas sobre o Corporativismo – Experiências corporativas latino-americanas e ibéricas
26 e 27 de Junho de 2017, Rio de Janeiro
Sindacati e diritto del lavoro tra dittature e democrazie nell’Europa mediterranea e latina del XX secolo
23-24 Novembro de 2017, Firenze, Aula Rossa di Villa Ruspoli

Os doutrinadores do Corporativismo Português (1933-1974)

Researchers from different research units that, in Portugal, make up this international network come together to discuss who were the national indoctrinators of Corporatism.
What ideas formed them? In what circuits did they moved? What influence did they had on the corporate politics of the authoritarian state?
These are some of the questions that guide this seminar.
Espaços Corporativos e Escalas Urbanas no Século XX. Organismos Primários, Estruturas Administrativas e Ordem Estatal
27 e 28 de Abril de 2015, BRAGA & GUIMARÃES, Universidade do Minho & Plataforma das Artes

Focusing on the issue of inter-territorial coordination in corporate experiences that involved States throughout the 20th century, the Congress CORPORATE SPACES AND URBAN SCALES aims at a historical reassessment of corporate primary agencies. In general terms, the target will be the basic organisms that framed the economic activities and the “social cooperation” of the majority of the population. In the Portuguese case, for example, such basic structures comprised the following organizations: ‘houses of the people’ (Casas do Povo), ‘houses of the fishermen’ (Casas dos Pescadores), farmers guilds (Grémios da Lavoura), commercial guilds (Grémios do Comércio), industrial guilds (Grémios da Indústria) and unions (Sindicatos). The goal of this Congress is the cross analysis of this reality in the urban-rural context and in a comparative perspective. In this sense, it will be of interest to scrutinize not only the ideological realm and the founding and deployment processes of the various national corporate experiences, but also their amendments and achievements, in particular those undertaken after 1945, in which other elements should be taken into account, with special emphasis for planning policies.
A Era do Corporativismo – Regimes, Representações e Debates
13 a 15 de Janeiro de 2015, FCSH/UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA