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Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Europe and Latin America

Crossing Boarders

Edit. António Costa Pinto (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and Federico Finchelstein, (The New School for Social Research, USA)


What drove the horizontal spread of authoritarianism and corporatism between Europe and Latin America in the twentieth century? What processes of transnational diffusion were in motion and from where to where? In what type of ‘critical junctures’ were they adopted and why did corporatism largely transcend the cultural background of its origins? What was the role of Intellectual-politicians in the process? This book will tackle these issues by adopting a transnational and comparative research design encompassing a wide range of countries.

Queremos uma Economia Nova!: Estado Novo e Corporativismo

de Álvaro Garrido


This book offers a theoretical essay on Corporatism as object of research in History and Social Sciences. From a very current perspective, a critical review of the main theories on the subject is proposed. Starting from a comparative exercise of the main experiences of European economic corporatism between the two world wars, the author analyzes the Portuguese system linked to the Estado Novo de Salazar.

A era do corporativismo: Regimes, representações e debates no Brasil e em Portugal

Luciano Aronne de Abreu; Paula Borges Santos (org.)


The studies of corporatism have been resumed in recent years, but there are issues that still deserve to be revisited and others that still need further studies by the scientific community. In this sense, for example, it is important to deepen how corporate ideas have spread; as some of the ideas that formed it were welcomed and defended by intellectuals and politicians long before the emergence of the authoritarian regime; what characteristics assumed the bodies of political representation in relation to the corporate benchmark; which reflected this ideology in the legal field and in the construction of normative and regulatory devices. These are just some of the themes gathered here for publication in The Age of Corporatism: Regimes, Representations and Debates in Brazil and Portugal, which counts on the participation of important Portuguese and Brazilian scholars.

A Conquista Social do Território. Arquitetura e Corporativismo no Estado Novo Português

Fátima Moura Ferreira ; Francisco Azevedo Mendes; Natália Pereira (coord.)


The analysis of corporativism has provoked a successive deepening of the problems, in a trajectory marked by several generations of studies. This book expresses this dynamic and articulates with another, entitled Organizar o país de alto a baixo. Políticas de edificação corporativa do Estado Novo Português. In the diversity of the disciplinary approaches proposed in the set of texts that make up this volume, spaces of problematization are tested on the historical experience of the Estado Novo. These forces, individually and globally, to relieve the dense instrumentalization of the knowledge that permeates the social construction of the territory. The illusion of the Portuguese singularity finds here, so we judge it, a place of fading.

Organizar o País de Alto a Baixo. Políticas de Edificação Corporativa no Estado Novo Português

Fátima Moura Ferreira; Francisco Azevedo Mendes; Jorge Mano Torres (coord.)


The analysis of corporativism has provoked a successive deepening of the problems, in a trajectory marked by several generations of studies. This book expresses this dynamic and articulates with another, entitled A Conquista Social do Território. Arquitetura e Corporativismo no Estado Novo Português. In the diversity of the disciplinary approaches proposed in the set of texts that make up this volume, spaces of problematization are tested on the historical experience of the Estado Novo. These require, individually and globally, a modular and transversal analysis of the various levels that organically build corporatism. The illusion of the Portuguese singularity finds here, so we judge it, a place of fading.

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