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Four years after the foundation of NETCOR at NOVA FCSH, in Lisbon, and after four meetings in recent years in several research centres that founded this network, in Europe and Brazil, the 5th NETCOR annual meeting is held in Évora.


This annual meeting has a program of excellence, with keynote speakers from around the world, on the theme "Labour Transformations. From Liberalism to Corporatism (1850-1945)”.


It is intended to debate theoretical and empirical explanations of the changing nature of work organization and labour regimes in the contemporary era, and to stimulate the treatment of the preferences of historical agents, political and economic exchanges and the results of these exchanges, such as rules and norms of behaviour, decision-making and policy-making processes, in order to rethink the history of the “corporate revolution”, as well as that of labour normativity and that of work organization.


Researchers, teachers and students from different scientific areas and geographic zones of the globe meet to present papers, prepare project applications for funds from European agencies and Third Countries, and deepen their involvement in this scientific network for three days, enjoying the friendly atmosphere that is already a tradition of NETCOR events.


For this annual meeting, two entirely new moments in the Network dynamics are being prepared: the first Training School and the Next Knowledge session.


The Training School is provided by Professor Irene Stolzi and aims to enable young researchers to use the lexicon of labour law correctly. The exploration of the concepts will be worked on alongside its own historical evolution. This is a way to meet the challenges identified by young researchers who explore topics on NETCOR's agenda and to wage on their greater training. Another benefit of this experience is that not only is the acquisition of this knowledge useful for the research that they carry out, but it also enriches their citizenship experience, by mastering specialized information useful to their professional condition throughout life.


The Next Knowledge session inaugurates a presentation of explanatory posters of research projects (already approved or under construction) and of master's and doctoral theses in progress. In this space, researchers can look for partners for new activities, signal their interest with ongoing projects or provide useful information to young researchers with ongoing theses.


This 5th annual meeting will also include a social program, with book presentations and evening receptions.


The city of Évora was chosen to host the 5th annual NETCOR meeting in order to provide, to NETCOR members and invited speakers, contact with one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986. This choice also represents the ambition to decentralize the knowledge exchange forums by various Universities, where there are centres of scientific units that are institutional members of NETCOR. It is intended is to involve the local academic community, contributing to the deepening of the various strategies for internationalization and scientific exchange. This is also a way of disseminating NETCOR and it is hoped that, among the academy of Évora, where there is a large community of foreign students, new members will join the network.


Brief History of NETCOR


The previous annual meetings of NETCOR took place in Lisbon (2015), Florence (2017) and Rio de Janeiro (2018 and 2019).

The 2015 meeting took place at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and corresponded to the moment of foundation of NETCOR, initially with seven institutions and 43 researchers. Today NETCOR is formed by 11 research centers in Europe and Latin America and 66 researchers from nine countries.

With the Florence event in 2017, the strategy for publishing a collective book on the theme of the meeting began. NETCOR made the choice not to publish books of minutes of annual meetings, but has chosen to publish books with different collaborations, bringing together the most innovative texts.


With this vision, two books were published and another one is already in press:


Corporativismos Ibéricos e Latino-Americanos, org. de Luciano Aronne de Abreu e Marco Aurélio Vannucchi, ediPUCRS, Porto Alegre, 2019


Sindicati e Diritto del Lavoro tra Dittature e Democrazie nell'Europa Mediterranea e Latina del XX Secolo, ed. by Irene Stolzi, Milan, Col. Per La Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno, Giuffré, 2019


Corporativismo, ideias e práticas, org. de Marco Aurélio Vannucchi, Luciano Aronne de Abreu e Paula Borges Santos, Salvador, Sagga Editora, 2020 [no prelo]


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